Ithaca Sucks |
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ask an elitist In the process of wrapping up, fish n' chips style, a 30lb Peruvian blowfish the other day, an article in the Ithaca Urinal caught Ez's attention. The Urinal is running a series titled Ask A Scientist. Cool, dudes. In it, some photogenic, eugenetically superior chick from Cornell with an expensive PhD was discoursing intelligently on conifer trees. What a gas, Ez thought. Ithacasucks should have a column like that. So, Ez started flipping through his rolodex to find someone from up on the Hill who would consent to be a guest columnist. Let's be honest, readers, outside of the kitchen staff and dish crew, there aren't that many folks at Cornell who would go on record with a weblog named Ithaca Sucks. But Ez perservered, agreed to furnish ski masks at no extra charge, even threw in a case of Saranac beer to sweeten the pot so - without further adieu, ask an elitist! ![]() Education: Munich University, B.A., UCLA, Berkeley, PhD., Cornell, Ed. Interests: Population Studies, Ethnography Hobbies: Fencing, Wild boar hunting, Skeet Shooting, Eugenics RvB: Whas kind of name is Ezra Kidder? Was is your nationality, please? EK: Irish. I'm Irish. RvB: Das gut. EK: Please tell us, Prof. von Bingenslingen, why do people on the Hill feel so superior to the folks downtown? RvB: Das is easy. Die volk, I mean, the people on the Hill represent the future of civilization. They are intellectually superior, have higher SAT scores, come from the finest social backgrounds, have access to the finest research facilities and teachers in the world, and, finally, they study 18 hours a day to grasp the principles that guide the universe. There is no doubt that they are superior in every way. Do you have doubts, Herr Kidder? EK: No, Professor ... you're right on the money. What's your partner's name? Do they allow uniforms like that on the Hill? RvB: Dat is Otto. He is my research assistant. He is in ROTC. Ya? Sunday, May 21, 2006
the place to be ![]() Good choice, McGee! Whatever your neurosis, whatever your disease, no matter how little time you have left to live, no reason to worry how fucked up you are, you've come to the right place. The Booster Squad from Ithaca's Chamber of Commerce has been out scouring the country again for endorsements for our tiny hamlet of insanity. Recall, if you will, how, several years ago, they suckered Utne Magazine into naming Ithaca "of the most enlightened communities in America." What you didn't know at the time is that Newark, New Jersey topped the list that year. Chamber of Commerce stoolies went around town buying up all the copies of that issue of Utne so NO ONE IN ITHACA ACTUALLY SAW THE ARTICLE. It was a joke! Those poor Utne fools had to spend a week in rehab, however, and that was no joke. They're still having flashbacks! "what the fuck did they put in my tofu? LSD?" ![]() ![]() Way to go, Ithaca! Saturday, May 20, 2006
![]() alternative ceremonies Ez has been thinking about Cornell's upcoming graduation. Typically, Ez spends his time thinking about his receding hairline, revolution, the demise of capitalism, the next Ice Age but, this morning, as an nice alternative, he's been considering how Cornell's graduation could be more meaningful this year. So, he's come up with a few ideas. 1. Ever watch the Summer Olympics and how the organizers pull off those massive synchronized human message events? ![]() ![]() Idea #2: Immediately after the class valedvictorian gave her/his address, he or she would slowly and with great dignity leave the stage and proceed to the nearest gorge ![]() Ez's next favorite idea, #3, is more predictable. combining as it does, Slope Day and graduation. Immediately after the ceremony, graduates would chuck their silly mortarboard beanies in the air, rip off their academic robes, proceed in no particular order to huge tables groaning with Scotch, Vodka, Beer and tabs of acid, ingest as much as possible of these substances in the shortest amount of time, then rush off down the Buffalo St. hill to waste and lay pillage to the quiet and forever lugubrious city of Ithaca, ![]() Sunday, May 14, 2006
![]() Hi all! Ez is out here on location, riding around Ithaca, filming his first movie - IthacaSucks Presents "Road Kill of Ithaca." It's very exciting --lights, cameras, cut! The extras ain't too lively but then again, we don't have to pay them either. Poor fellow. Rocky Raccoon, he ain't. Hey, lots of animals were injured in the making of this movie! Well, to be precise, not during- but certainly before. It's not like we asked these poor critters to run out in front of our wheels? Right? After all, Ithacans love animals. Not the animals in the meat freezers at Wegmann's, but we sure love our pooches. The city closed that dog park out there by the Hangar and you'd think they closed the public library. The letters to the editor haven't stopped yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() Ithaca doesn't have a Roadkill Cafe like some American communities. But, then again, Ithaca doesn't have a vegan restaurant either. A lot of Gen Y so-called vegans do sit around their $800 faux squats and discuss the ethical problems involved in eating road kill for personal survival. Right! Like the Ithaca Bakery is going to lock their dumpsters and the soup kitchen is going to ban guests who wear metal studs and profess individual anarchism. Monday, May 08, 2006
The Ithaca Sucks Creeper Page ![]() In the Lacanian account of the origins of our sense of self a critical event occurs during infancy. During this "mirror phase" infants grasp the fact that there is a world, and others, beyond them. This awareness comes to us from outside, an image of ourselves as an individual is built up from the feedback we receive from others. The very act of seeing ourselves as others see us necessitates a form of splitting, a fragmentation of the unity we have experienced hitherto. Our mourning for this lost unity, that which we seem to lack (although it was never truly there) stays with us for all our lives: although we recognise our lack is irreversible we search for it still. It may be said that our capacity to look, and to see ourselves through the eyes of others, is at the core of our psychological formation. The scopophilic drive is a constituent of the polymorphous sexuality of the infant, one which is gradually "trained" and normalised but one which may become fixated into a perversion, producing obsessive voyeurs and Peeping Toms, whose only sexual satisfaction can come from watching, in an active controlling sense, an objectified other. " --Derek Baldwin ![]() "In current Society a certain amount of voyeurism is considered normal, such as watching x-rated movies, as well as graphic magazines. You may have even been sexually aroused when you noticed by accident someone who was undressing, naked, or having sex. However, the key factor here is that unless you seek out these experiences, you are not a true voyeur" Disorder Information Sheet - PsychNet-UK Psychobabble? Every time you pop an x-rated video into the dvd player, every time you surf adult content on the web, you are "seeking out these experiences." ![]() Voyeurism The Oxford Dictionary defines a voyeur as "a person who derives gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects; a peeping Tom; a person who takes a morbid interest in sordid sights". For Lacan, voyeurism is defined through scopophilia which includes both exhibitionism and voyeurism. Scopophilic individuals for Lacanians are classified as clinical perverts. Within this school of thought it is also believed that the structure of perversion is predominately male. Only in exceptional cases could a female be classified as a true pervert. Voyeuristic behavior however can be experienced and enjoyed by all of us to differing degrees. "With the proliferation of camera cell phones, Web cams and affordable surveillance devices, we have become a culture that promotes voyeurism." Kathy Frank ![]() ![]() ![]() |